Creativity: Use it or Lose it

One of the most common pieces of advice for creative writers is to touch the manuscript you’re working on every single day. No matter what. Even if it’s just five minutes of scribbling on the back of a receipt while you’re waiting for a meeting to start. I do this, and it really does make a huge difference.

But in the creative industry, I’ve never heard this. It’s certainly not something that is put into practice, at least not for those of us who fill several different roles (I suppose those who are true dedicated “creatives” probably do). Depending on the week, I can go several days at a time relying on just my left brain, organizational functions, without creative engagement. The office-ness of the business dominates my tasks, rather than the creative-ness. It’s a total drag. I got into this industry for the creativity. I could juggle files and clients anywhere.

But more than that, the brain needs that regular creative exercise to stay in shape. Use it or lose it, my friends. If you want to call yourself a creative professional, then you really ought to be working on your creativity regularly.

To get started, check out this post from A Big Creative Yes on 25 Ways To Create Your Own Endless Channel Of Creative Inspiration.

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